If you’re a gym-goer, you’ve likely encountered numerous strange acronyms gym buddies use in the fitness community. While these acronyms can sound confusing, they are vital in understanding your workout type and achieving your fitness goals. We’ve assembled seven ultimate gym acronyms that you should know.
HIIT stands for High-Intensity Interval Training. It is a type of cardiovascular workout involving short bursts of intense exercise followed by rest or low-intensity exercise. It’s all about pushing your body to its absolute limits, pumping your heart like a train during intense periods, and then allowing it to recuperate during rest periods.
The acronym is pronounced as “hit” (phonetically “hɪt” ) and not as “hait” or “hee-it”. While the terminology is widely used in the fitness community, it’s rarely used in regular conversations or sentences outside that context.
Each sesh lasts 10-30 minutes, making HIIT a great option for people struggling to manage time to exercise. However, we don’t recommend it to beginners as it can be too strenuous and may lead to injury.
One of the most common terms you’ll hear in a gym is PR which stands for Personal Record. It’s your best performance or personal achievement in certain workouts. PR can be anything from the maximum weight lifted in a deadlift to the most reps done in a bench press.
The acronym is pronounced with individual letters and sounds like “pee-are”. This terminology is often used in conversations inside the gym or in a fitness camp. Using it among gym bros when discussing personal achievements and milestones is appropriate.
PRs are a great way of keeping oneself motivated and tracking own progress. However, it’s important to use this acronym respectfully and not to brag or belittle others in the gym who may not have hit their PRs yet.
LIT is the abbreviation of Low-Intensity Training or Low Impact Training. It revolves around exercises that are less intense on your joints and muscles. This type of workout is recommended for beginners or people who have recently suffered an injury.
LIT is pronounced as a whole and sounds similar to the past tense of the verb light. Phonetically it can be represented by “lɪt”. LIT may not be the most popular type of workout among gym buddies, as it is often associated with beginners or those not into bodybuilding.
These workouts build endurance and improve physical and spiritual health, including light exercises such as cycling, jogging, swimming, and yoga. Although LIT is less effective than HIIT in weight loss or mass gain, it can keep you refreshed and more focused throughout the day.
The popular acronym AMRAP stands for As Many Reps/Rounds As Possible, a type of workout that involves completing as many repetitions or rounds of an exercise as possible within a set time frame. You should include AMRAP in your workout to challenge your endurance, increase work capacity, and measure progress.
It is best if you pronounce this acronym as “am-rap” not “a-m-r-a-p” or “aim-rap”. The terminology is very popular among fitness fanatics and gym buddies who motivate and challenge each other to improve.
AMRAP is a good way to challenge yourself and set new PRs. Remember maintaining proper form and technique is the key. But only bite what you can chew- you might end up overexerting your muscles and not seeing the results.
The term ROM is the abbreviation of Range of Motion. It measures how far your joints can move in a particular direction. It’s used to determine the effectiveness of your exercise as it helps you stretch and contract specific muscles increasing flexibility and strength.
To pronounce ROM, you say each letter separately, “R-O-M”. People in the gym frequently use this acronym to ensure proper form and technique of the workout, especially during weight lifting and dumbbell curls. Even athletes and gymnasts widely use this terminology.
Understanding your range of motion (ROM) means knowing how far your muscles can stretch. It allows you to prevent injuries such as muscle sprain, ligament tears, and dislocation of joints. With good ROM techniques, you can engage your muscles fully, improving your mobility and leading to better results.
The full form of DOMS is Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness. It’s that intense soreness, stiffness, and discomfort you feel after an intense workout, usually 24-72 hours after your exercise session. DOMS results from tiny microscopic tears in the muscle fibers that occur during workouts.
DOMS is pronounced as “Dahms”. It’s a common topic of conversation among swole mates, particularly those serious about bodybuilding. People mostly use DOMS as a comparison between the intensity of their workouts.
It is common in individuals new to workouts or who recently changed their routines. Although DOMS is often seen as a badge of honor for pushing oneself to the maximum limit, it’s not necessarily a measure of muscle growth or progress. So, if you hear your gym buddy say they’re suffering from DOMS, suggest they take it easy and adjust their workout routine.
EPOC is an acronym that stands for Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption. It refers to the calories burned post-workout when your body is recovering from the exertion. In layman’s words, it’s the extra oxygen your body needs to recover after exercise.
EPOC is typically pronounced as “ee-pock” though some may argue it’s “eh-pock”. Many fitness enthusiasts even call it the afterburn effect. This terminology is often used in gyms when discussing workout routines that consist of HIIT.
People looking to lose weight or increase their stamina opt for workouts that maximize EPOC. It can be an effective method to track your calorie burn during exercise. However, EPOC only contributes to a small percentage of your overall calorie burn, so keep track of your diet and metabolism to get better results trying to lose that belly fat.
Learning and understanding the gym acronyms can make you feel like less of an outsider. You can engage in conversation and know what the gym members are discussing. So, incorporate these acronyms and stay healthy and keep working out!